The Secret Message in BS Excuses

bs excuses comfort zone playing small
woman playing small, hiding

Do you ever catch yourself coming up with BS excuses?

Now, these could be for anything - why you can’t get to the gym today. Why you can’t ask for that raise. Why you can’t book that weekend away with your spouse. Why you can’t book that weekend away by yourself.

It’s SO easy to come up with excuses. And it’s so easy to convince yourself that those excuses are legit.

Over the last few weeks I’ve been talking with women about their businesses. And I’ve heard some great BS excuses:

  • It’s already been done so I can’t do it
  • It’s so easy, why would someone pay me to do it
  • I feel guilty taking their money
  • That won’t work for my business
  • I don’t have enough experience
  • I have to clean out my closet before I can start my new business
  • I need to lose 15 pounds before I make videos for my business

There is a secret message to all of these BS excuses.

Want to know what it is?

The secret message is: This shit is hard. I’m doubting myself. I’m scared.

No matter what the BS Excuse is, the root is doubt. Always.

How do I know?

Because I am the queen of BS Excuses. I’ve come up with hundreds of them. Thousands.

BS Excuses have cost me years of my dream life. They’ve cost me thousands of dollars. Hundreds of thousands of dollars. And I’m not exaggerating.

I stayed in a mediocre but comfortable career for a decade because I came up with BS Excuse after BS Excuse why I couldn’t take the leap into my true calling. I kept playing small because I was too scared to play big.

Sure, those BS Excuses sounded legit.

  • It was too risky to give up my business..
  • I was already successful, what more could I want?
  • Why would anyone want to listen to me about building an online business?
  • I’m too old to start something new.
  • Who am I to think I could do something big?
  • I’m just some Canadian, what do I know?

And these are just the thoughts I’ve had in the last week - but this time I can recognize them as BS Excuses. Now I can stop them before they stop me. I doubt myself all the damn time. But I can’t let that stop me from taking action. I refuse to continue to live a mediocre life, building a business that drains me, that doesn’t bring me joy. Life is too short.

What BS Excuses are you telling yourself? And how are you letting those BS Excuses stop you from playing big?

What Does Success Mean to You?

Do you even know? Have you taken the time to think about it? Use these 31 journaling prompts to help you discover what success means on your terms. 

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