Let's Make Next Year the Year Your Dreams Come True

dream life dreams ease forward success wanting more

Yep, you guessed it.

Just like every other blog posted this month (December), here you are, reading about the fact that it’s the end of the year, the end of 2021. I can't help it. I can't help but look to the next year and want this to be the year that your dreams (and my dreams) come true.

I know, I know. It sounds so cliche. It sounds like a pop song. But let's not let that stop us. Why the hell shouldn't we be working towards making our dreams come true?

But what I’ve really been thinking about a lot lately is this: what did my life look like at this time last year? And, more importantly, what do I want it to look like this time next year? What actions can I take every day to make my dreams come true?

Day After Day

One of my biggest fears is living the same day - day after day after day. And then the same year - year after year after year. I've definitely been there - running on the hamster wheel of work, parenting, managing a marriage and a household.

I look at my daughters, ages 13 and 19…everything in their young lives are constantly changing. New classes, new programs, new friends, new experiences. That newness can feel almost foreign to me these days. It’s easy to get into a routine; a routine that threatens to become a rut. Definitely not dreamy.

Year in Review

A year in review is a beautiful thing, especially if you, like me, can get caught up in never ending to-do lists and calendar events. Because that’s the thing with to-do lists and calendar events - they just never end, do they? So as my lists and calendars just keep filling up I feel like I haven’t accomplished a damn thing.

But when I sit down, and look at everything from my past calendars and planners, my journals, and my bank accounts, it can be pretty eye opening. Sure, there are tons of things I still want to accomplish (there always will be!), but wowza, look at how far I’ve come in the past 12 months! And, man, even during a pandemic I had a lot of fun!

My journal especially reminds me of how far I’ve come personally: within my relationships, my money blocks, my fears around becoming visible, and how it’s felt about moving out of a comfy and established safety consulting business into a more personal, more ‘Deidra-based’ online business. 

Looking Forward

Looking forward I like to think about what I want - what my dream life looks like - and it's not the story of pop songs. Basically I want more of what I’ve already got (there’s that word again: more). I want a more authentic business, I want to connect more with women and help lead them into the business of their dreams. I want to see more women succeed on their terms, finding independence, fulfillment and joy.

Your Assignment

So, friend, I've got some journalling homework for you to do, especially if you feel like your life has become a bit too routine, or has even started heading towards a rut.

First look back on the past 12 months. And it doesn’t matter if you are doing this at the end of a calendar year or smack dab in the middle of the year. Just pick a time frame and review it. What changes have you made? What progress have you made? We often make small achievements without celebrating or even recognizing them. Dig deep and write them all down - recognize them all. Hell, celebrate them all. Know that you have spent the last year growing, expanding, becoming a better version of you day by day!

And then look to the next 12 months. How do you want to spend your time? What do you want to accomplish? Who do you want to be around? Where would you like to spend your time? 

Set your intention, mark your path. 

What can this time one year from now look like to you? What will be the same? What will be different? 

What would it look like to bring more beauty in your life? More ease? More adventure? More freedom? More abundance?

What can you do to raise some eyebrows? To surprise your family and friends? To blow your own mind? To actually build your dream life and step gracefully into it?

Let's Do This

I’m going to be dreaming big this coming year, my friend. Dreaming AND doing. Let’s do this together, shall we?


What Does Success Mean to You?

Do you even know? Have you taken the time to think about it? Use these 31 journaling prompts to help you discover what success means on your terms. 

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