Did you know you have the manifesting magic already?

dream life manifestation

I’d been hearing about the magic of manifesting for years. YEARS.

And that’s what I thought it was...some sort of magic. Some sort of woo-woo stuff that I just couldn’t tap into...like if I used enough affirmations, or listened to enough guided meditations, that eventually shit would start to happen to me.

Until it hit me.

Shit WAS happening.

And it wasn’t magical. I was making it happen.

💫 I was the magic behind it. 💫

✧ I was the one that made an adoption happen when it looked like everything was going to fall apart over and over again. I still look at my now 13 year old daughter and think about how hard we worked and how a community rallied around us and how we moved mountains to bring that baby girl home.

✧ I was the one that built a multi-six figure business, against all odds. Busting into a male dominated industry, working with all male clients who, at first, had a real hard time taking direction from a woman. But who soon become a massive success building a totally referral based business.

✧ I was the one who, after a decade, then shut down that business and started a new business, one that also filled my soul, gave me the lifestyle that I loved, and connected me with amazing women like you.

And more recent little things...

✧ I was the one that found the perfect Boston Terrier pup for our family.

✧ I was the one that found the perfect buyer for my beloved VW van.

✧ I was the one that managed to get the ‘impossible to get’ tickets for our favourite musician for TWO of her upcoming concerts.

✧ I was the one that made a magical and memorable trip to NYC happen.

Manifesting isn’t JUST magic. It’s what you can dream up, and what you can make happen. That’s where the magic happens. YOU are the magic.

This is what I want you to do...I want you to tell me what you HAVE manifested. You’ve likely manifested a ton of magical things for yourself, your community, your family; but haven’t even celebrated or recognized it. 

Sit down and start writing. Think about all of the things you’ve manifested. It might be big things, or it might be little things. Write them all down.

Then, think about everything you want to manifest next. Know that it’s possible. Know that YOU are the magic behind it all.

There you go. You’ve taken the first step to manifesting your dreams.

💫 Can’t wait to see what’s going to happen for you next! 💫

What Does Success Mean to You?

Do you even know? Have you taken the time to think about it? Use these 31 journaling prompts to help you discover what success means on your terms. 

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